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Gather 'round the open fire for Chimneyside Chats - a monthly feature with holiday stories from our favorite artists. See what's in their stockings this year as they reminisce on Christmas memories, share their favorite recipe and more! Here's what singer/songwriter, poet and community organizer Naghmeh had to say:
A few years ago, I came up with this tradition to knit something warm for those I love. I don’t always make my own deadline, and sometimes I don’t see my friends or family until the following year. I have friends who always make it a point to tell me they have gotten complimented on the quality and the knit of the hat.
So instead of spending hours upon hours trying to think of what cute and possibly useless gift to get my family and friends, I spend way more time making them something from scratch, knitting hundreds of little knots into something that will keep their head warm.
Learn more about Naghmeh and listen to the song she chose for our Chimneyside Chats playlist!
"You Know It's Christmas" by Ellisa Sun