Navigating Challenges and Inspiring Action: A Sebastian Ortiz Guest Blog

by - June 20, 2023

Photo courtesy of Katherine Wizeman

Happy Pride Month!

As we celebrate this important time, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Recent conservative backlash, the "war on woke" spearheaded by figures like Ron DeSantis, and a resurgence of conservative, Christian values have put our safety and well-being at risk. 

I have seen a shift from the stories of coming out and widespread support to a dilemma faced by the next generation of the pride community. Businesses, such as Target, are retreating from their once strong pro-LGBTQ+ stance, while a growing number of Republican lawmakers and conservative voters declare a cultural war on "woke," which includes the pride community. In the face of these challenges, allies and members of the LGBTQ+ community must unite and fight back.

Allies and members of the LGBTQ+ community play a vital role in this fight for equality. We can mobilize support and solidarity within our community and beyond. For example, by sharing content that resonates with us, we amplify positive and inspiring messages. Every share has the potential to touch someone else who shares our sentiments, helping to spread positive energy and influence public consciousness. Every voice, every action counts. By collectively standing up against injustice and inequality, we can drive meaningful change and create a society that embraces diversity and fosters acceptance.

Though we must acknowledge the significant influence of our courts and lawmakers, we cannot underestimate the power of grassroots movements. We navigate a changing landscape filled with challenges. The conservative backlash, the retreat of corporations from their support, and the cultural war on "woke" demand our attention and action. Let us unite as allies and community members, raising our voices against injustice, challenging harmful narratives and sharing positive messages. By starting at the individual level and fostering collective action, we can shape a future that is inclusive, accepting and celebrates the vibrant diversity of the LGBTQ+ community.

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