All business inquiries:
We aren't here to copy and paste press releases and share what 100 other outlets are sharing. We aren't here to fake enthusiasm about artists we don't actually connect with. Most important, we aren't here to be inauthentic.
Black is the New AP Style is here to share the stories of people who genuinely impress us - whether that be big or small names.
Whether you're looking for the next book to make onto your reading list or the next album to check out, we're hoping BITNAPS is the place you'll look first.
We are currently seeking submissions for the following guest blog features. If you are a member of the entertainment industry and want to learn more about how to contribute, please reach out.
The Time I Cried At A Show
Have you ever gotten emotional seeing your favorite artist? Experienced a performance that was impactful to you? Been part of a performance that you will never forget? This feature is exactly what it sounds like - you get to write about a time you cried at a show.
The Moment I Knew
Was there a specific moment where you decided that pursuing a career as a performer was right for you? A series of moments that lead to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? This is your chance to let the reader know how you made it to this point in your career.