The Magic is in the Spaces: An Interview with Featurette

by - November 28, 2023

Imagine being the luckiest person in the world. Everyone can agree that all the twists, turns and unique moments are the reasons why everything fell into place for this person and made them lucky. They aren’t one in a million, they’re the only one. Doesn’t that same description apply to the unluckiest person in the world? That is what the latest single from Featurette dives into.

Unluckiest” is about perspective. The same finite, rare piece of magic is what propels both sides to define luck.

“They are a unique entity unto themselves,” lead vocalist Lexie Jay said. “If you think about it, the odds of them experiencing that are the same. They’re looking at each other from the other side of the circle, completing the circle with each other, realizing that, ‘you’re the only one that can relate to my luck because you’re so unique, you’re so rare, you’re the only one’. We’ve all had our own unique lived experiences and there’s nobody that can actually relate to it in that same way. It’s impossible to determine who is the luckiest or unluckiest.”

Jay found herself stuck on the concept of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye, through no choice of one’s own, and it just comes down to how that one moment will define a person.

“It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, if it’s monumental or absolutely tiny,” she said. “It’s realizing that you’re here and it’s yours for the taking. That doesn’t need to be a fucking quest for glory. It can be the simplest, tiniest little thing.”

The message behind “Unluckiest” ended up encapsulating the band’s five-track EP with the same title. Jay describes it as coming together chaotically, as none of the five songs were meant to tell a solitary story. While they all share a similar electronic sound, it is this single that changed her own perspective.

“I’m on this quest, this pursuit, of trying to find out what is the crux of what we’re trying to get to here,” she said. “How do you say everything in a finite way? It’s so Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. That was a big inspiration for this… this movie was about how everything is magic and that you’re the magic. In this universe we’re just supposed to be rocks; it’s so easy to be at unease with what we have to do in life when you feel like you have a greater purpose, but really that’s what it’s about. The magic is in the spaces.”

The music video for “Unluckiest” was directed by Jay, who also designed the costumes with the help of Lindsey Blane and brought the choreography to life with the help of Hailey Gardiner. The most important aspect of the video was that it was filmed in one shot, because life cannot be edited.

“It needed to be as human as possible,” Jay said. “I could have said something really deep and impactful in the chorus but it wouldn’t be the same as just vibing with it. It needed to be danced yet it needed to be personal.”

Jay may not have learned these life lessons through moments of joy or peace, but she quite enjoys the tenseness and adrenaline that comes with her passion. She has no intention of relaxing, and that’s what makes her music her own.

“Everything you get in your life, we always want more and the goal post will always move,” she said. “I think that’s really true of musicians and it’s really true of us and our band. We’re grateful for what this is now and if we never get any bigger than this, there’s lots of people that never even got to go this far… Every step of it is the best time and that’s such a difficult thing because it’s relentlessly optimistic, but I think part of it is: to feel anything is more beautiful than to have never felt anything at all.”

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