Chimneyside Chats with King Park

by - December 13, 2021

Graphic created by Lucas Seidel Design

Gather 'round the open fire for Chimneyside Chats - a monthly feature with holiday stories from our favorite artists. See what's in their stockings this year as they reminisce on Christmas memories, share their favorite recipe and more! Here's what King Park lead singer Timon Moolman had to say:

Lead singer Timon here! I am South African and one of the classic Christmas dishes made in any respectable South African home is the Tipsy Tart. Named after the generous quantity of brandy in the recipe, it is a key ingredient to warm up your toes by the fire on Christmas Eve.

Learn more about King Park and listen to the song Timon chose for our Chimneyside Chats playlist!
"White Christmas" by Bing Crosby

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