The Moment We Knew We Wanted To Make Music Together: Trailer Swift

by - July 04, 2023

Our music is a balance of speed and control, with moments of intense acceleration and sudden shifts in tempo that keep the listener on the edge of their seat.

It wasn’t always like that.

In the beginning it was James and Mike, playing in a country band called William Joseph James. Those two met while shoveling their driveways one winter and realized that both were musicians and like beer so they should play music together and drink beer.

With Mike on drums and James on bass, they played frequent residencies as they grew in popularity. But as any band knows, it lasts as long as it lasts, and then it doesn’t.

Members of that group knew Michael and heard his self-released solo record, which was a mix of folk and indie songwriting. Michael spent most of his musical past behind a drum set, playing in bands like The Burning Paris and The Living Sea. After a tryout for the new version of their band, they heard something different In Michael and began to play as The Additions. A new sound that was more rock centric, exploring crunchy tones and introspective songwriting.

The Additions had a strong start with a quick ending.

The story continues like they all do; the drummer switches to guitar and reveals that he’s actually a super technical guitar player in disguise. Heavier pedals are introduced, heavier riffs are written, no drummers in sight. Drummers are one of the hardest positions to fill in a band. You need commitment from them, but you need chemistry more.

The band's debut album, You Are Not What You Do, is a raw and honest portrayal of personal struggles and experiences. Released just as the pandemic lockdown began, it hit college radio and built an online audience with limited, yet favorable reviews.

Marc’s name was mentioned several times by Mike as a potential new drummer. They are friends who go on winter hikes together and hurt themselves frequently on mountain bikes. In other words, chemistry.

The night after their first practice with Marc on drums, they immediately knew he was a way better drummer than Mike, HA! Seriously though, he is, and Mike knows it. We sounded… Great.

Trailer Swift's sound is a blend of moody melodies and distorted riffs, soaked in various sub-genres of rock, creating a sound that is both unique and familiar. By drawing from different styles and influences, they have created a sound that is distinctly their own, while still being accessible and relatable to a wide audience. Their music commands attention and leaves a lasting impression. Their songs are a delicate balance of strength and vulnerability, with lyrics that speak to the heart and melodies that stay with you long after the music has stopped.

So, it appears they have themselves a new and committed band again. Their writing is collaborative, and they have energy and ideas to spare. All of them contribute with parts and arrangements, mixing ideas and pulling from 25+ years of musical influences. They get to be loud, hard, fast, technical and moody. They get to play what they are feeling and explore. That’s not work, that’s play.

What sets Trailer Swift apart?

There is a unique and modern approach to their songs. A raw infectious energy, driving rhythms and catchy hooks. Their lyrics are often accompanied by melodic and dynamic guitar work that ranges from gentle strumming to powerful, distortion-heavy riffs. Emotive and gruff vocals conveying a sense of vulnerability and honesty… And yes, their name.

Ok, so, hear us out. We think band names are cool, but they are all taken, and you know it. Every band out there is White Lion this, White Lion that. We can’t keep track, and no one remembers your name. Tell us the last time someone came up to you and said Hey! How’s (insert White Lion band name here) doing? Never. No one remembers your band name! They always say, what’s it called again? And then forget it all over again.

People remember the name Trailer Swift. It makes them laugh and we think that helps. When people come up to us they ask how Trailer Swift is doing and we say great!

It’s also a trucking company, and now that you know that you’re going to see those Swift trailers everywhere! You’re welcome.

In all seriousness, it’s silly and we love it. It was either that or Wack Nicolson.

If you’re not sold on us yet, please just enjoy this distracting bit of Game of Thrones fodder to help change your troubled mind.

*The music is full of unexpected twists and turns, like a labyrinthine maze that is constantly shifting and changing. The melodies are both haunting and enchanting, like the songs of the forest sprites that dance among the trees. The bassline rumbles like a giant dragon's roar, while the guitar riffs shimmer like the scales on its back. The vocals soar above the instrumentation, like a hawk soaring high above the treetops, their words carrying the weight of the universe as they explore themes of self-discovery, identity, and personal struggle. The end.

*Written by ChatGPT

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