Chimneyside Chats with Ariel Arbisser

by - December 19, 2023

Graphic created by Lucas Seidel Design

Gather 'round the open fire for Chimneyside Chats - a monthly feature with holiday stories from our favorite artists. See what's in their stockings this year as they reminisce on Christmas memories, share their favorite recipe and more! Here's what singer Ariel Arbisser had to say:

I'm offering up my chocolate-covered candied orange peels recipe below. It's a wonderful common-allergen-free treat for all celebrations any holiday season!

During the pandemic, I witnessed everyone, their cousins, their dads, their best friends, their dogs (okay, maybe not their dogs) learn to make sourdough bread. I loved watching people find joy during such a dark time. The connection was palpable as they shared their tips and tricks, but I'm no baker and had no intention of becoming one during quarantine. I did crave a challenge and that feeling of connectedness though, and decided to focus my efforts on my now signature chocolate-covered candied orange peels.

Why chocolate-covered candied orange peels? Because they reminded me of my childhood and, more importantly, of my grandmother Joycie. They're my go-to labor of love to offer to friends and family for winter holiday treats and I've yet to find someone who doesn't enjoy them.

My family has spent more than three decades going to a family farmhouse in upstate New York for Thanksgiving. Because we’re spread out across the country (and used to be spread out around the world), we historically celebrate Hanukkah during Thanksgiving.

The farm was my grandmother Joycie’s space and though she’s no longer with us, it’s still filled with her energy and her sweet touches. Every time I visit I feel closer to her, and in these post-Thanksgiving weeks, I find myself thinking of her and her love of whimsy and her magical brain a little bit extra.

Joycie loved her sweets. And she was an incredible baker but she also always had a stash of fancy, absolutely perfect chocolate-covered candied orange peels from Teuscher, a Swiss chocolate company. She often kept these beautifully designed boxes in her bedroom - which now that I think about it, makes me feel justified in my bedroom treat storage habits. If we were really lucky, we'd get one when we visited. They were so, so special. I felt fancy and honored to be invited into her most favorite delight.

I've made these the last few years and am constantly tweaking the recipe to optimize the product. Check out the recipe I'm currently enjoying below and find me on social media to let me know if you tried them and what you think!

Learn more about Ariel Arbisser and listen to the song she chose for our Chimneyside Chats playlist!
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" by Whitney Houston

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