The Moment I Knew I Wanted to Make Music: Jackie and her brother

by - May 02, 2024

Photo courtesy of Chet Tilokani

When I was young, nightmares haunted me and I struggled to fall asleep. I'm convinced our house was haunted as my brother suffered from night terrors too. Strange noises, eerie shadows and unexpected phone calls added to the terror.

In the dark, I'd lie in bed, listening for horrors, but most nights, all I heard was music wafting through the vents.

To soothe my nerves, I'd sneak out of bed and crawl to the basement vent leading to my brother's room. Pressing my ear against the dusty grate, I'd hear drums, guitar and singing. It calmed me and sometimes led me to brave the dark hallway to surprise my brother while he was jamming out.

I definitely scared the shit out of him some nights, appearing in his doorway at 3 a.m.

That’s where I discovered that music rules, and my brother knows what’s up. He made mix CDs for me as a kid and it helped evolve my taste and appreciation for all sorts of sounds.

Over the years, I watched him perform in several bands on various stages. He’s the brains behind this operation. I've always enjoyed contributing lyrics and melodies to his ideas.

Finally, here we are, making music together and it’s so much fun. We get to pull from all of our childhood references and experiences and come at each song from two different perspectives. Our single, “You’ve Changed”, is the first of many.

Instead of making a song about a lover or another, we thought it was more interesting to write about ourselves. This song was something my brother and I could instantly relate to. Looking back on our lives or even just looking back on the past few years, we saw huge changes in the way we interact with the world. These changes were for the better and that was a nice reason to make some music about it.

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