Chimneyside Chats with Georgia Feroce

by - December 12, 2020

Graphic created by Lucas Seidel Design

Gather 'round the open fire for Chimneyside Chats - a monthly feature with holiday stories from our favorite artists. See what's in their stockings this year as they reminisce on Christmas memories, share their favorite recipe and more! Here's what singer/songwriter Georgia Feroce had to say: 
Since moving to Los Angeles, I especially look forward to the holiday season because it’s a time when I reunite with my family on the East Coast. I remember my first December in LA. I was driving home from work and “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby came on the radio. “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas/ just like the ones I used to know” brought tears to my eyes as I was transported back to my childhood. That first year in LA was one of the most exciting and hardest years of my life. I wouldn’t change it for anything, but after spending my first Thanksgiving away from home, I was longing for familiarity.

I wrote an original Christmas song the next year in 2016, dedicated to my family. It's very nostalgic, just like “White Christmas” and a lot of the classic Christmas songs I love so much. Unfortunately, I don't have a recording or a title, and I've forgotten the second verse, but maybe it'll come to me later. If not, I guess I'll have to write a new one!

I still haven’t managed to make it back to CT for Thanksgiving; I end up just saving my trip for Christmas. I’ve done a lot of Friendsgivings over the years, which has become a new tradition! But what I like to do as my own little tradition is make a homemade apple pie following my grandma/mom’s recipe. I’ve still yet to master it, and making pie crust from scratch isn’t the easiest thing to do (especially for someone like me who pretty much never bakes anything from scratch… ever!), but it’s a fun challenge that makes me feel connected to my family even though we are apart. That said, I am perfectly okay with my mom and sister doing all of the cooking and baking when I’m back home. They’re the experts, and you know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen.

I’m so grateful I’ll be able to be home for longer than a few days this Christmas. Although this year has been extremely challenging, at least it’s given me the opportunity to slow down and take time off to be with my family. I feel really lucky that I’m able to do that.

Took a train down memory

To Rockefeller Center

To see the tree from my hometown

Time machine back to the scene

of lights out the window

And songs playing on the radio

You know I’ve missed you

Mom, Dad, Henry, and Lily Bell too

Gotta say I love you more and more each day

Don’t know who’s up there,

but I thank them for

You, oh oh, Merry Christmas

The miles between us are only distance

Oh, Happy New Year, too

I hope you make your dreams come true
Learn more about Georgia Feroce and listen to the song she chose for our Chimneyside Chats playlist!
"White Christmas" by Bing Crosby

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