Chimneyside Chats with John-Robert

by - December 07, 2023

Graphic created by Lucas Seidel Design

Gather 'round the open fire for Chimneyside Chats - a monthly feature with holiday stories from our favorite artists. See what's in their stockings this year as they reminisce on Christmas memories, share their favorite recipe and more! Here's what singer John-Robert had to say:

A tradition that’s special to my family is that we go to our neighbor’s house for Christmas Eve. My mom is always the last one in the car when we leave. As soon as we get back, we find presents on the stairs. It’s always a new pair of pajamas. We always act surprised, and it’s one of the sweetest traditions my family has. It’s one I hope to pass on.

My family and neighbors play a game called White Elephant, aka Thieves Christmas, every Christmas Eve. The rules are simple. Every participant in the game brings a present. Everyone writes their name on two slits of paper and puts it in a bowl. The person whose name gets pulled out of the bowl gets to pick an unopened gift. They also have the option to forcibly steal/swap their gift with another player. The hope is that your name gets pulled last so you have your pick of the litter. Heaven forbid your name gets pulled twice early on in the game. It’s a lot of fun, and my neighbors have a tradition of hiding gift cards in something as unassuming as a pair of mittens. One time I was tackled by my neighbor over this game. It’s a good time!

Did you know? I co-wrote “Wonderful Christmastime” with Sir Paul. Our personalities clashed and we had a devastating falling out. I hold no ill will towards the man, but still feel I’m due credit for my contributions towards the tune. It’s an ongoing legal battle with Pauley claiming I “wasn’t even born at the time of the recording.” Ya know… a bunch of hoopla and legal jargon to screw me out of a hefty pub check. Still love him though.

Learn more about John-Robert and listen to the song he chose for our Chimneyside Chats playlist!
"The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)" by Nat King Cole

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