Chimneyside Chats with Observe The 93rd

by - December 05, 2023

Graphic created by Lucas Seidel Design

Gather 'round the open fire for Chimneyside Chats - a monthly feature with holiday stories from our favorite artists. See what's in their stockings this year as they reminisce on Christmas memories, share their favorite recipe and more! Here's what Observe The 93rd's vocalist Derek Henry had to say:

We released a cover of the song “Walking in the Air” from the 1982 film The Snowman back in 2017. I've always loved this song, and it's really the only Christmas song I could see us covering in a way that feels authentic and appropriate. It has a very spooky and haunting melody that stylistically fits well with our sound. Musically, the composition of the original is mostly made up of piano and strings, which are also very prominent in our own music. I've always taken a lot of inspiration from film scores and cinematic sound design. If you haven't heard the original or seen the movie, both are definitely worth checking out!

Learn more about Observe The 93rd and listen to the song they chose for our Chimneyside Chats playlist!
"Walking in the Air" by Peter Auty

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