The Moment I Knew I Wanted to Make Music: Ella Galvin

by - April 09, 2024

I vividly recall the moment I first sang in front of a crowd. It was during a St. Patrick’s Day talent show in third grade, where I took to the stage and belted out a Miley Cyrus song (naturally). Despite a flutter of nerves, I had a much larger sense of excitement. Looking back, I realize that this moment lit a flame within me that would shape my future, even though I may not have known it yet.

Throughout my schooling, music became more than just a hobby; it became my passion. From enthusiastically participating in musicals and chorus in middle school to joining the exclusive jazz choir in high school, I immersed myself in every musical opportunity that came my way. My high school jazz choir even had the opportunity to sing with the New York Voices at an eastern choral conference, an experience that left a mark on me and helped shape my lasting love for jazz music.

Even in the midst of choosing between pursuing music or skiing competitively at a school in upstate New York, the path became clear. I followed my heart to a city where music, jazz specifically, thrived - Chicago. It was a decision rooted in logic, driven by the certainty that music would always be a part of my life, whereas skiing held a less certain future. I later transferred to a school in the Bronx where I was able to find more inspiration and opportunities closer to Manhattan (especially after turning 21) and I was able to attend more jam sessions and shows.

College me continued the musical journey, balancing academics with band meetings/performances and a cappella rehearsals. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced a hiatus, prompting our band to adapt and record remotely. It was during this period of introspection that I made the tough decision to part ways with the band and venture into solo pursuits.

Leaving the band was not easy, but it opened doors to so many new opportunities and experiences. As I delved deeper into the music scene of the city, surrounded by fellow artists striving towards similar aspirations, I felt a surge of inspiration. It dawned on me that music was not just a passion but a potential career path - one that I could envision myself pursuing for a lifetime.

The journey into pursuing music has been quite a transformative one, marked by moments of uncertainty and so much self-discovery. With each chord and every lyric, I find solace and purpose. As I continue to carve my path in the music world, I carry with me the conviction that the decision to follow my passion was the right one. In music, I have found not just a potential career but a mission.

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